Part I. Introduction
1. Right Reading, Reading Wright
Carey C. Newman
Part II. Assessment
2. The Wright Stuff: A Critical Overview of Jesus and the Victory of God
Craig Blomberg
3. The (W)Right Jesus: Eschatological Prophet, Israel’s Messiah, Yahweh Embodied
Paul R. Eddy
4. Reading and Overreading the Parables in Jesus and the Victory of God
Klyne R. Snodgrass
5. Jesus and the Continuing Exile of Israel
Craig A. Evans
6. The Trial and Death of Jesus in N. T. Wright’s Jesus and the Victory of God
Darrell L. Bock
7. Jesus and the Victory of Apocalyptic
Dale C. Allison Jr.
8. Victory over Violence: The Significance of N. T. Wright’s Jesus for New Testament Ethics
Richard B. Hays
9. Reality, Symbol and History: Theological Reflections on N. T. Wright’s Portrayal of Jesus
Alister E. McGrath
10. Methodological Naturalism in Historical Biblical Scholarship
C. Stephen Evans
11. A Historiographical Response to Wright’s Jesus
Luke Timothy Johnson
Part III. Responses
12. An Appreciative Disagreement
Marcus J. Borg
13. In Grateful Dialogue: A Response
N. T. Wright
Part IV. Conclusion
From (Wright’s) Jesus to (the Church’s) Christ:
Can We Get There from Here?
Carey C. Newman