April 11, 2023
ChinaSource releases a pre-publication review of Daryl Ireland’s Visions of Salvation: Chinese Christian Posters in an Age of Revolution: https://bit.ly/413ow6S. The book: https://bit.ly/ChinaPosters.
March 2, 2023
In this OnScript interview, Michael Bird discusses Jesus and his historically controversial divinity, as well as his latest book, Jesus Among the Gods.
Micheal O’Siadhail discusses his memoir, One Crimson Thread.
February 20, 2023
Evan F. Kuehn reviews Paul J. DeHart’s Unspeakable Cults: An Essay in Christology for Reading Religion: http://bit.ly/3KlEMKE The book: https://baylorpr.es/dehart
February 13, 2023
Check out Spencer Robinson’s recent review of Frederick David Carr’s book Being and Becoming: Human Transformation in the Letters of Paul on his blog SpoiledMilks! http://bit.ly/3YGUHXS The book: https://baylorpr.es/Carr
Baylor Press author John Swinton speaks on The Two Cities Podcast about his theological work on dementia: http://bit.ly/3jNspMR. His book “Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship”: http://baylorpr.es/sSwinton
February 8, 2023
Baylor Press author Froswa’ Booker-Drew tells NBC 5 about how anyone can be a philanthropist: http://bit.ly/3YhwdVk. Her book: https://baylorpr.es/EmpChar
February 7, 2023
Dustin D. Benac and his book, Adaptive Church: Collaboration and Community in a Changing World were recently profiled in Baptist Standard, in a discussion of resiliency and hope. Find the… READ MORE
John D. Barton’s “Better Religion” reviewed by Bob Cornwell.
February 6, 2023
The Norsworthy Podcast invites Baylor Press author John D. Barton to speak on his new book Better Religion: A Primer for Interreligious Peacebuilding: http://bit.ly/3JJvTdy The book: https://baylorpr.es/3SGRXrC