... a rewarding glimpse into everyday life on the frontier.
~Judyth Rigler, Lone Star Library
If you have ever been fascinated by old family letters and wondered about the rest of the story, you'll appreciate Letters by Lamplight... Just as they bonded Anna to her extended family, those [letters] bond twentieth century readers with their pioneer counterparts.
~Janet Neugebauer, Texas Tech University
... a signifcant addition to the her-story of pioneer Texas women.
~Mary M. Fisher, The North San Antonio Times
Myers's work succeeds on all levels: as biography, social history, regional record, literary criticism, and feminist revisionism... The account is... both cohesive and captivating.
~The Western Historical Quarterly
She has skillfully woven a tale that offers historical background of the era, family history, and a vivid picture of the daily chores and struggles of a young couple on the Texas frontier after the Civil War... Recommended for Texas libraries of all types and for collections that emphasize frontier and/or women's history.