I srael, Church, and the Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew is full of original observations and fresh arguments. Konradt has built a new foundation for all future work on the crucial topic of Israel and the Church in Matthew's Gospel.
~Dale C. Allison, Jr., Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary
This is a major synthetic work on Matthean ecclesiology that captures a strong trend in current Matthean studies. Through his meticulously argued and heavily documented thesis, Konradt has presented a view of Matthew's ecclesiology that is compelling and comprehensive. (For the German edition)
~Donald Senior, Catholic Theological Union, Review of Biblical Literature
A meticulous yet sweeping study of Matthew’s narrative…A very important book for Matthean scholars to engage. (For the German edition)
~Fred W. Burnett, Anderson University, Religious Studies Review
Israel, Church, and the Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew is one of the most important monographs on Matthew published in the last decade.
~Joel Willitts, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Konradt’s detailed and updated study on a topical Matthew theme will be widely welcomed by those students and scholars who read only English.
~David C. Sim, Religious Studies Review
A monumental synthetic study of ecclesiology in the Gospel of Matthew
~Chance Bonar, Yale Divinity School, Neotestamentica
Ably translated from the German original by Kathleen Ess, this work brings to an English-speaking audience an exceptionally thorough and cogent reading of Matthew’s theology...For those who want to discover in depth the theology of Matthew’s gospel as well as understand the profound relationship between Judaism and Christianity, this is a book to savor.
~The Bible Today
A powerful synthesis of Matthean ecclesiology
~Joshua W. Jipp, Bulletin for Biblical Research
Any theory is accountable to the text. This is the strength of Konradt’s work. His reading coheres with the structure of the Gospel of Matthew’s Christology, and he also provides careful exegesis of individual texts.
~Benjamin I. Simpson, Bibliotheca Sacra
This exemplary study of Matthew’s theology has significance not only for an accurate interpretation of this Gospel but also for opening new horizons for the contemporary Christian-Jewish dialogue.
~Donald Senior, Horizons