Part I: Introduction
1. The "Historical" and the "Remembered" Jesus; or, How It "Really" Was
2. A Glance at the History of Research
3. The Historical Material: Remains and Sources
Part II: A Portrayal of Jesus
4. A Jew from Galilee: The Nazarene
5. A Jew from Galilee: The Galilean
6. A Jew from Galilee: The Jew
7. The Reign of God Begins: Jesus' Encounter with John
8. The Reign of God Begins: Beginnings in Galilee
9. The Reign of God in the Proclamation of Jesus
10. Life in Light of the Reign of God: The Ethos of Jesus
11. Representative of God or Savior of Israel? The Self-Understanding of Jesus and the Judgment of His Contemporaries
12. The Jerusalem Events
13. Jesus and the Beginnings of Christian Faith
14. Spotlights on the Wirkungsgeschichte of Jesus