A lifetime of exceptional Jesus research in one book--that is what Larry Hurtado presents us with in Ancient Jewish Monotheism and Early Christian Jesus-Devotion. The chapters in this book represent foundational studies published over Hurtado’s forty-year career on the question most central to New Testament and early Christian studies: how did Jesus come to share in divinity and become an object of worship? This book is a compendium on New Testament and early Christology, and an essential companion to Hurtado’s celebrated books One God, One Lord (1988) and Lord Jesus Christ (2003).
~April D. DeConick, Chair of the Department of Religion, Rice University and author of The Gnostic New Age: How a Countercultural Spirituality Revolutionized Religion from Antiquity to Today
This collection of essays brings together some of the most stimulating and insightful research conducted during the prestigious career of Larry Hurtado on a key historical question: what are the origins of devotion to Jesus in early Christianity? They demonstrate why he is the leading light of the new history of religions school. Hurtado is to the twenty-first century what Bousset was to the twentieth.
~David B. Capes, Associate Dean of Biblical & Theological Studies and Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College
Having access to these essays under one cover--along with his equally impressive monographs--reveals the remarkable contribution of this scholar to our understanding of early Christianity.
~Donald Senior, CP, The Bible Today
Those who research or are otherwise interested in the scholarly discussion of Christian origins, early devotion to Jesus, and Christology will benefit greatly from this volume.
~Timothy Hein, Expository Times
It is great to have this material brought together, both because of the importance of the topic, and because of the importance of the author's thinking on the topic. For young aspiring scholars it also shows what a lifetime of conscientious research can look like.
~David Wenham, Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Reading Larry Hurtado’s Ancient Jewish Monotheism and Early Christian Jesus-Devotion is an invitation into an expansive and comprehensive assessment of the history of early Christian self-understanding, worship practices, and devotion to Jesus. Much can be said about this significant compilation of essays and their contribution to scholarship regarding the early Christian community and its theological self-understanding.
~Jeff Walton, Review and Expositor
Along with the rest of Hurtado’s oeuvre, this collection merits the attention of every scholar concerned with the study ofthe Christian religion in its earliest period and a place in any university or seminary library.
~Jeff Peterson, Stone-Campbell Journal
Each essay offers its own contribution to research, and the volume as a whole is valuable for researchers and students for studying the history of christological research of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries both through Hurtado’s original work and through Hurtado’s interaction with other major voices in christological scholarship.
~Kai Akagi, Religious Studies Review