Is he a lawyer, a preacher, a theologian, a philosopher, or a comedian? As this cogent volume vividly illustrates, Mark Lanier is all of the above and, in addition, a humble trooper whose personal walk with God in His word is gently shared with us on a 365-day trek through the Bible. Join Lanier as he takes us into God's presence.
~Paige Patterson, President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Mark Lanier brings his great intelligence and intense study of the Scriptures to produce a simple set of devotions. These thoughts are full of warmth and joy and allow readers to benefit from Mark's life experience and wisdom. He quickly focuses on one key idea from each biblical text and shows how it applies to everyday life.
~Peter Williams, Warden, Tyndale House, Cambridge
Mark Lanier brings his experience as a civil attorney and combines it with his love for scholarly approaches to Scripture and practical experience as a devoted family man. The result is this handy gem of a book on the Psalms.
~John Michael Talbot, author and Christian musician
Mark Lanier has already given scholars of Scripture a great gift--the remarkable Lanier Theological Library. In Psalms for Living, he offers readers of Scripture a gift of another kind, namely thoughtful, faithful, personal reflections upon 'the hymn book of the Bible.' I am looking forward to reading the Psalms afresh with Lanier's valuable insights shedding and shining light on the Lamp that is God's Word.
~Todd D. Still, Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean & William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University
Devotionals on the Psalms that stimulate the mind, promote reflection, and touch the heart. Mark Lanier has given us a new Reflections on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis for the twenty-first century.
~James K. Hoffmeier, Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History and Archaeology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
The devotionals that Mark Lanier has developed from these reflections will speak to those who seek strength and encouragement for the struggles of the workday.
~R. Gerald Turner, President, Southern Methodist University