List of Permissions
List of Illustrations
Part I
Our Roots in the Wisdom of Nature and Christian Charity 1600 •1700
Belle Deacon The People’s Stories
Northwest Native American (1) After the Storm; A Miser Becomes Generous
Northwest Native American (2) Collapse of a Bridge
Northwest Native American (3) Coyote Frees the Salmon from Klamath River
Alaskan Man Saved by Salmon Fin
Hawaiian The Breadfruit Tree; The Breadfruit Offering
Cherokee How Red Strawberries Brought Peace in the Woods
Benjamin Tompson New England’s Crisis
Colonial and Puritan Stories
Anthony Benezet
Africans Captured in Slave Trade Described as Civil and Charitable
Captain John Smith A Drunken Ship with Gilded Dirt
Alexander Whitaker Good News from Virginia
Leaders of Virginia A Benevolent Plan for Orphan Apprentices
John Winthrop A Model of Christian Charity
On Roger Williams History of American Literature by Moses Coit Tyler
Peter Stuyvesant (and others) Correspondence Regarding the First Jews in New Amsterdam, and Their Need to Provide for Themselves
Ezechiel Carre The Charitable Samaritan
Anne Bradstreet Meditations Divine and Moral
Eusebio Francisco Kino "Bloodless Martyrdom" for the Padre
On Father Eusebio Kino and the Southwest United States The Great Southwest by Elna Bakker and Richard G. Lillary
William Penn No Cross, No Crown; Fruits of Solitude
Ancient Writings that Influenced the Colonists
Aesop Four Fables on Greed and Good Deeds
Seneca Of Benefits; Of Intentions and Effects; Of Judgment in the Bestowal of Benefits; Of Requital; Of How the Receiver Should Act; Of Ingratitude
Passages on Giving from the Bible Old Testament; New Testament
John Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion
A Contemporary Essay
On The New England Mind The New England Mind by Perry Miller
I Expect to Pass Through
Part II
Philanthropy and Liberty in the Enlightenment Era 1700 •1800
Anonymous Philanthropy
Winnebago Tribe Wak’djunk’aga’s Appetite Incites Greed and Causes Him Grief