Part I - Evangelicals and Public Life: Across the Spectrum
1. Clearing the Ground
2. The Evangelical Right
3. The Evangelical Left
4. The Emerging Evangelical Center
Part II - Finding the Center: Key Issues for Evangelical Public Engagement
5. Torture and Human Rights
6. Marriage and the Law
7. Creation Care and the Climate Change Debate
8. Evangelicals and War
Conclusion: A Way Ahead for Evangelicals and American Culture
1. "For the Health of the Nation"
2. An Analysis of "For the Health of the Nation"
3. "An Evangelical Declaration against Torture"
4. How to Read "An Evangelical Declaration against Torture"
5. Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action
6. "An Urgent Call to Action"
7. Rules for Evangelical Politics
Further Reading
Index of Names and Terms
Subject Index