Introduction: On the Tension between Religion and Democracy
Part I: Separatist Views
1. "Moral Conflict and Political Legitimacy" by Thomas Nagel (New York University)
2. "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited" by John Rawls (Harvard University, Emeritus)
3. "Religious Convictions and Secular Reasons" by Robert Audi (University of Notre Dame)
4. "Liberal Civic Education and Religious Fundamentalism: The Case of God v. John Rawls" by Stephen Macedo (Princeton University)
5. "Why Dialogue?" by Bruce Ackerman (Yale University)
6. "Religion as a Conversation-stopper" by Richard Rorty (Stanford University, Emeritus)
Part II: Integrationist Views
7. "The Role of Religion in Decision and Discussion of Political Issues" by Nicholas Wolterstorff (Yale University)
8. "What Respect Requires--and What it Does Not" by Christopher J. Eberle (US Naval Academy)
9. "The Principles" by Paul J. Weithman (University of Notre Dame)
10. "Religion in Political Argument" by Jeffrey Stout (Princeton University)
11. "The Crisis of Christian Identity in America" by Cornel West (Princeton University)
12. "Why Political Reliance on Religiously Grounded Morality is Not Illegitimate in a Liberal Democracy" by Michael J. Perry (Emory University)
13. "The Vulnerability of the Naked Public Square" by Richard John Neuhaus (Editor of First Things)
14. "The Public Philosophy of Contemporary Liberalism" by Michael J. Sandel (Harvard University)
15. "Democratic Deliberation after Religious Gag Rules" by J. Caleb Clanton (Pepperdine)