Editors' Introduction: A Language for Our Biotechnological Future: Rhetoric, Religion, Science, and Ethics (Michael J. Hyde and James A. Herrick)
1. Faith in Science: Professional and Public Discourse on Regenerative Medicine (Tristan Keys, Nancy M.P. King, and Anthony Atala)
2. From Arrowsmith to Atwood: How Did We Come to Disrespect Science? (Ronald M. Green)
3. The "Warfare" of Science and Religion and Science's Ethical Profile (Thomas M. Lessl)
4. Is There a Human Nature? An Argument against Modern Excarnation (Jean Bethke Elshtain)
5. Crossing Frontiers of Science: Trespassing into a Godless Space or Fulfilling Our Manifest Destiny? (Leah Ceccarelli)
6. The Angels and Devils of Representing Prozac (Tod Chambers)
7. "Leave Your Medicine Outside": Bioethics, Spirituality, and the Rhetoric of Appalachian Serpent Handlers (Bill J. Leonard)
8. Biovaluable Stories and a Narrative Ethics of Reconfigurable Bodies (Arthur W. Frank)
9. Blacks and the Language of Their Biotechnological Future (Ezra E. H. Griffith)
10. Bioethics, Economism, and the Rhetoric of Technological Innovation (Howard Brody)
11. Technologies of the Self at the End of Life: Pastoral Power and the Rhetoric of Advance Care Planning (Lisa Keränen)
12. Suffering and the Rhetoric of Care (Judy Z. Segal)