Part 1: Introduction
1. Theological and Political Orientations of Clergy within American Politics: An Analytic and Historical Overview
--Corwin E. Smidt
Part 2: Politics of Mainline Protestant Clergy
2. American Baptist Convention
--Sherrie Steiner and Donald Gray
3. Disciples of Christ
--Sue E. S. Crawford, Melissa M. Deckman, and Laura R. Olson
4. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
--Daniel Hofrenning, Janelle Sagness, and L. DeAne Lagerquist
5. Presbyterian Church (USA)
--William (Beau) Weston
6. Reformed Church in America
--Corwin E. Smidt
7. United Methodist Church
--John C. Green
Part 3: Politics of Evangelical Protestant Clergy
8. Southern Baptist Convention
--James L. Guth
9. Churches of Christ
--Mel Hailey and Timothy C. Coburn
10. Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
--Jeff Walz and Steve Montreal
11. Presbyterian Church in America
--Brent F. Nelson and Beverly A. Gaddy
12. Christian Reformed Church
--James M. Penning
13. Church of the Nazarene
--Linda Beail and Greg Crow
14. Assemblies of God
--John C. Green
15. Evangelical Free Church of America
--Kedron Bardwell
16. Mennonite Church USA
--Lyman A. Kellstedt and James L. Guth
Part 4: Beyond the Two-Party Protestant System
17. American Rabbis
--Anand E. Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe
18. Roman Catholic Priests
--Ted G. Jelen
19. African Methodist Episcopal Church
--Eric McDaniel
20. Church of God in Christ
--Eric McDaniel
21. Unitarian-Universalist Association
--John C. Green
22. Willow Creek Association
--Lyman A. Kellstedt and John C. Green
Part 5: Conclusion
23. This World Is Not My Home? Patterns of Clerical Involvement in Politics over Time
--Corwin E. Smidt
Works Cited