Biblical Theology
1. The Old Testament as Abiding Theological Witness: Inscripting a Theological Curriculum
2. God as Other, God as Holy: Election and Disclosure in Christian Scripture
3. The Historical‑Critical Endeavor as Theology: The Legacy of Gerhard von Rad
4. "And without God in the World": A Hermeneutic of Estrangement Overcome
5. "In Accordance with the Scriptures": Creed, Scripture, and "Historical Jesus"
6. Old Testament or Hebrew Bible?: Some Theological Considerations
7. The Changing Face of Old Testament Studies
8. Biblical Authority in the Late Twentieth Century: The Baltimore Declaration, Scripture‑Reason‑ Tradition, and the Canonical Approach
9. "We Are Not Prophets or Apostles": The Biblical Theology of B. S. Childs
10. Isaiah and the Search for a New Paradigm: Authorship and Inspiration
11. Isaiah and Lamentations: The Suffering and Afflicted Zion
12. Royal Promises in the Canonical Books of Isaiah and the Psalms
13. How Is the Prophet Isaiah Present in the Latter Half of the Book? The Logic of Isaiah 40‑66 within the Book of Isaiah
14. Isaiah in Parish Bible Study: The Question of the Place of the Reader in Biblical Texts
15. Isaiah in New Testament, Lectionary, Pulpit
16. The Call of Moses and the "Revelation" of the Divine Name: Source‑Critical Logic and Its Legacy
17. The Divine Name in Christian Scripture
18. Human Sexuality Viewed from the Bible's Understanding of the Human Condition
19. The City in Christian Scripture
20. Reader Competence and the Offense of Biblical Language: The Limitations of So‑Called Inclusive Language
21. The Lectionary as Theological Construction
22. Sexuality and Scripture's Plain Sense: The Christian Community and the Law of God
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture References