Part One: Introduction
A Review of Research on Church-Related Higher Education
Stephen R. Haynes
Part Two: Postmodern Opportunity
The Habit of Empathy: Postmodernity and the Future of the Church-Related College
Paul Lakeland
Prolegomena to Any Postmodern Hope for the Church-Related College
Margaret Falls-Corbitt
A Sense of Place and the Place of Sense
William J. Cahoy
Part Three: Academic Vocation
Conversation and Authority: A Tension in the Inheritance of the Church-Related College
Richard Kyte
Beyond the Faith-Knowledge Dichotomy: Teaching As Vocation
Elizabeth Newman
The Erotic Imagination and the Catholic Academy
John Neary
Part Four: Pedagogy and Praxis
"Academic" vs. "Confessional" Study of the Bible in the Postmodern Classroom: A Response to Philip Davies and David Clines
Julia M. O'Brien
Teaching the Conflicts, For the Bible Tells Me So
Timothy K. Beal
A Pedagogy of Eucharistic Accompaniment
Dominic P. Scibilia
Part Five: Mission and Curriculum
One-Armed Embrace of Postmodernity: International Education and Church-Related Colleges
Keith Graber Miller
Religion and the Curriculum at Church-Related Colleges
Marcia Bunge
From the Ties that Bind to Way-Stations: The Dynamics of Religious Commitment among Students and Their Families
D. Jonathan Grieser and Corrie E. Norman
A Typology of Church-Related Colleges and Universities
Stephen R. Haynes