Section 1: The Postmodern Condition
1. Inventing Hope: The Question of Belief in Don DeLillo's Novels, Mark Eaton
2. Voices from Within: Gloria AnzaldĂșa, bell hooks, and Roberta Bondi, Anne-Marie Bowery
3. Time for Hope: The Sixth Sense, American Beauty, Memento, and Twelve Monkeys, D. Brent Laytham
4. Beyond Futility: American Beauty and the Book of Ecclesiastes, Robert K. Johnston
Section 2: The Valley of Despair
5. Prosaic Grace: Doris Betts's Souls Raised from the Dead, Martha Greene Eads
6. Narrative Bones: Amy Tan's Bonesetter's Daughter and Hugh Cook's Homecoming Man, Elaine Lux
7. Hope from a Radio: Jurek Becker's Jakob the Liar , Eric Sterling
8. Friendship and Hope: Elie Wiesel's The Town Beyond the Wall, Carole J. Lambert
Section 3: Resisting the Night
9. A Passion for the Impossible: Richard Rorty, John Okada, and James Baldwin, Harold K. Bush, Jr.
10. The Prophetic Burden: James Baldwin as a Latter-Day Jeremiah, Kelvin Beliele
11. Reconciliation and Hope: Confessional Narratives in South Africa, Susan Van Zanten Gallagher
Section 4: Adversity and Grace
12. Hope in Hard Times: Moments of Epiphany in Illness Narratives, Marilyn Chandler McEntyre
13. Geographies of Hope: Kathleen Norris and David Lynch, Kevin L. Cole
14. Attunement and Healing: The Fisher King, Michael B. Herzog
15. The Gift of Grace: Isak Dinesen's Babette's Feast, Maire Mullins
Section 5: Hope and the Imagination
16. The Redress of Imagination: Bernard MacLaverty's Grace Notes, Barry Sloan
17. The Search for "Deeper Magic": J. K. Rowling and C. S. Lewis, Emily Griesinger
18. J. R. R. Tolkien: Postmodern Visionary of Hope, Ralph C. Wood
Works Cited
List of Contributors