Preface: Defining American Evangelicalism
Chapter 1. An Altogether Conservative Spirit: The First Amendment, Political Stability, and Evangelical Vitality
Chapter 2. Turning West: American Evangelicalism and the Restorationist Tradition
Chapter 3. Casting Aside the Ballast of History and Tradition: Protestants and the Bible in the Nineteenth Century
Chapter 4. An End to Unjust Inequality in the World: The Radical Tradition of Progressive Evangelicalism
Chapter 5. Thy Kingdom Come: The Argot of Apocalypticism in American Culture
Chapter 6. A Pentecost of Politics: Evangelicals and Public Discourse
Chapter 7. A Loftier Position: American Evangelicalism and the Ideal of Femininity
Chapter 8. Re-create the Nation: The Religious Right and the Abortion Myth
Chapter 9. His Own Received Him Not: Jimmy Carter, the Religious Right, and the 1980 Presidential Election
Chapter 10. Keep the Faith and Go the Distance: Promise Keepers, Feminism, and the World of Sports
Chapter 11. Dead Stones: The Future of American Protestantism
About the Author