Introducing the Conversation, by Richard S. Ascough
Part One: Initiating the Conversation (1866-1927)
1 St. Paul and the Pagan Guilds (1927), by Thomas Wilson
2 Religious Legislation of the Period (1905), by Ernest Renan
3 Bishops and Deacons (1881), by Edwin Hatch
4 Christianity and the Collegia (1906), E. G. Hardy
5 Edwin Hatch, Churches, and Collegia (1993), by John S. Kloppenborg
6 On the Exegetical Interest in Ancient Associations in the 19th and 20th Centures (2006), by Thomas Schmeller
Part Two: Reanimating the Conversation (1960-1984)
7 Unofficial Associations: Koinonia (1960), by E. A. Judge
8 Patrons and Officers in Club and Church (1977), by William L. Countryman
9 Christianity as a Burial Society (1984), by Robert L. Wilken
10 A Hellenistic Cult Group and the New Testament Churches (1981), by S. C. Barton and G. H. R. Horsley
11 The Formation of the Ekklēsia (1983), by Wayne A. Meeks
Part Three: Moving the Conversation Forward (1999-2013)
12 Paul's House Churches and the Cultic Associations (1999), by James Harrison
13 Voluntary Associations and the Formation of Pauline Churches: Overcoming the Objections (2006), by Richard S. Ascough
14 Roman Legislation on Associations and Christian Communities (2002), by Markus Öhler
15 Christ-Bearers and Fellow-Initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius' Letters (2003), by Philip A. Harland
16 Membership Practices in Pauline Christ Groups (2013), by John S. Kloppenborg