1. Introduction to the "Justice looks like... " series
Eric Black
2. What justice looks like in the Old Testament
Timothy Pierce
3. What justice looks like in the New Testament
Stephen Reid
4. Justice is providing excellent education for all
Charles Foster Johnson
5. Justice looks like fighting for children's best interests
Alyssa Ross
6. Right now, justice looks like righteous anger in action
Dr. Froswa' Booker-Drew
7. Living God's kingdom justice where you are
Dr. Tony Miranda
8. Justice through the eyes of an Arab Israeli Christian
R. E.
9. Justice looks like making things right
Dr. John D. Ogletree Jr.
10. Justice for immigrants and refugees seldom seen
Marv Knox
11. Justice looks like hope, not hopelessness
Nell Green
12. Justice looks like the kingdom of God
Dr. Albert L. Reyes
13. Justice is making sure Black lives matter
Patricia Wilson
14. Justice looks like tearing down the wall between you and Christ
Bethany Rivera Molinar
15. Three ways justice looks like Jesus
Patty Lane
16. Justice looks like being willing to be uncomfortable
Mariah Humphries
17. Justice looks like a divine invitation / La justicia es como una invitacion divina
Dr. / Dra. Nora O. Lozano
18. Justice looks like being free of worry
Diego Silva
19. Images of justice in an emperor's land
Rev. Joseph C. Parker Jr.
20. Justice looks like knowing your neighbor
Jorge Zayasbazan
21. Justice looks like living in the light of justification
Kimlyn J. Bender
22. Justice looks like an America that can celebrate its diversity
Rev. Dr. Michael Evans Sr.
23. Justice requires having eyes that see
Suzii Paynter March
24. Justice requires a biblical--stable--foundation
Ricardo Brambila
25. Justice looks like anti-racism
Jon Singletary
26. Justice looks like a healthy relationship
Kirk Stowers
27. Justice needs you. I need you.
Rev. Dr. Kan'Dace Brock
28. Learning justice demands all of me
Gaynor Yancey
29. Justice is the right key to the right door
Rev. Cokiesha Bailey Robinson
30. Justice must precede peace, calm, and healing
Jeremy K. Everett
31. Justice looks like jumping in the water
Michael Mills
32. Justice looks like "fighting for the good of everyone"
Cynthia Aulds
33. Justice looks like God's law
Randy Dale
34. Justice looks like a church playground where all can play
Dr. Joe Rangel
35. Justice looks like shalom for my neighbor
Anyra Cano
36. Justice looks and sounds like "just us"
Latisha Waters Hearne
37. For many, justice looks far away
Hon. Os Chrisman
38. Justice looks like a widow not giving up
Myles Werntz
39. Justice looks like putting out the fire
Dr. Roy J. Cotton
40. Justice looks like my bookshelves
Jean Surratt Humphreys
41. I never knew I was Black
Levi Bedilu
42. Justice looks like a Toni Morrison plot
Dr. Michelle L. Henry
43. Justice is something we learn and practice
Wes Keyes
44. What justice looks like depends on where you're standing
Scott Collins
45. Justice looks like stepping in and seeking solutions for others
Dr. Gus Reyes
46. Justice looks like all our responsibility
Rev. Debra F. Bell
47. Justice looks like awakening
Nataly Mora Sorenson
48. Justice looks like other Mexicans
Jesse Rincones
49. Justice looks like God's will on earth as it is in heaven
Brenda Kirk
50. Justice looks like sweeping up injustice
Ferrell Foster
51. Justice looks like the church serving in the community
Jack Goodyear
52. True justice looks like restoration and redemption
Kristin Houlé Cuellar
53. Justice looks like equity in the administration of justice
Dr. Michael Bell
54. For churches, justice should be in the core values
Jimmy Dorrell
55. Justice looks like wisdom: Abundance vs. scarcity
Garrett Vickrey
56. Justice looks like the cross
Dr. Rolando D. Aguirre
57. What justice looks like for families of suspects and defendants
Dr. Christine Abel Nix
58. Justice looks like what Scripture tells us
Stephen Reeves
59. Justice looks like Onesimus, the bishop of Ephesus
Pastor Samuel James Doyle
60. Justice looks like leaning into grief
Ali Corona
61. Justice for mental illness is personal and systemic
Jessie Higgins
62. Justice is a constant gut check
Dr. Felisi Sorgwe
63. Justice looks like "teaching, modeling, and equipping"
Bobby Hall
64. Justice involves addressing systemic racism
Barry Creamer
65. Justice is reflecting God's love in public policy
Bee Moorhead
66. Justice looks like the best health care for all women
Rev. Mary Whitehurst
67. Learning about injustice in home financing
Ed Francis
68. Justice looks like treating all people as God's children
Jonathan Fechner
69. Justice goes hand in hand with righteousness
Justin Lawrence